Specifications for Authors

Paper Submission for the Cartography and Art Symposium Vienna 2008

All papers will appear as Proceedings, being available at the Symposium.

Submission by email to william.cartwright@rmit.edu.au and georg.gartner@tuwien.ac.at.

Deadline 1. December 2007

Document Specifications Note: The editors will format all contributions. Therefore a plain text submission is essential.

Text Times New Roman, 12pt
Left justified, A4

Images As individual files for each figure, 300dpi at least, TIFF format. Name each file with your family name and figure number (eg. Gartner_fig1.tif). Mark the place in the text, where image should be inserted.

Overall Structure

References You must use the Harvard Referencing System.


Artistic Work Annotated Catalogue in terms of an illustrated text describing and presenting your work / ideas / installations. Please follow the guidelines for images from above.

Book It is planned to produce a book based on the papers presented at the Symposium. The conference organisers have already approached a publisher with this proposal.
To enable us to progress this further, can you please indicate when you submit the completed paper if you wish to contribute your paper to the planned book as well.

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