Organised by

ICA Commission for Digital Technologies in Cartographic Heritage
   Vienna University of Technology, Research Group Cartography

Supported by

Österreichische Nationalbibliothek - Globenmuseum
Freytag und Berndt
Hölzel Verlag

Details on oral presentations

Dear authors-
These are the guidelines for your presentations:

  • Your total time slot is 15 minutes. Please prepare a presentation of at most 12 minutes to allow for a short discussion after each presentation. Discussions will be moderated by the session chair.
  • We will not allow any change of presentation computers during the workshop, therefore you have to send your presentation (preferably ppt or pdf format) to before the workshop or bring it with you on a USB stick or a CD.
  • The presentation computer uses a resolution of 1024x768 pixels. Windows XP and Microsoft Office 2007 as well as the newest versions of OpenOffice and Adobe Reader are installed. We can’t provide audio support.
  • The workshop venue provides a wireless internet connection. However, there might be occassional WLAN failures. If your presentation relies highly on internet based showcases, please also prepare some screenshots in case the internet connection doesn't work.

If you have further questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at

We are looking forward to your presentations!