The International Cartographic Association (ICA) and the Vienna University of Technology are pleased to invite you to contribute to a regional symposium on cartography with the focus on Europe. We aim at bringing together cartographers and those working in related disciplines with the goal of offering a platform of discussion, exchange and stimulation of research and joined projects.
We would like to especially encourage those working in and with modern cartography to share their contemporary developments, research and results.
- Semiotics and Map Design
- Map Use, Usability and Cognition
- Geovisualization and GeoVisual Analytics
- Generalization and Multi-scale Representation
- Cartography and Education
- Geospatial Analysis
- Thematic Cartography
- Atlas Cartography
- Spatial Data Infrastructure
- Web Cartography and Map Services
- Big Geo Data Handling
- Location Based Services and Ubiquitous Cartography
- Cartography for Disaster Management
- Visualization of Statistical Data
- VGI, Crowdsourcing and Citizen Science
- Open Source Geospatial Technologies
Contribution types
- Full papers – to present significant scientific results. Full papers will be peer-reviewed. Manuscripts must describe original work that has neither been published before, nor is currently under review elsewhere. Papers should be written in English according to the DOC template file, and should not exceed 20 pages (including title, figures and references). Selected papers are intended to be published in the International Journal of Cartography and in a book of the series Lecture Notes on Geoinformation and Cartography by Springer. Authors of selected papers will also be invited to give an oral presentation at the symposium. If the reviews are not positive, we might still consider the submission for the following category. Full papers must be submitted in PDF format through the Easychair website by 15 June 2015.
- Work in progress – abstracts (up to 800 words, in English) to present ongoing work. Review of the abstract. If accepted, you will be invited to give an oral presentation or poster at the symposium and an extended abstract or full paper (your choice) will be published in the online proceedings of the symposium (with an ISBN). Please send your submission to info@eurocarto.org by 6 July 2015.
We are exploring the potential for a special issue of the International Journal of Cartography after the symposium, which will have a separate review process. Authors of selected submissions from the above categories will be invited to submit extended versions of their work to this special issue.