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Inaugural Prof. Gartner
»Moderne Kartographie – LBS, ubiquitäre Kartographie und WebMapping 2.0«
Die Antrittsvorlesung von Prof. Gartner fand am 18. November 2008 statt.
Fotos von der akademischen Feier finden Sie hier!
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Welcome Jan D. Bláha
Jan D. Bláha from Charles University in Prague will be with us as ERASMUS student for this semester to work on his PhD thesis.
New teaching assistant Manuela Schmidt
Welcome Manuela!
Radio interview Georg Gartner
Georg Gartner was interviewed for the program “Diagonal” of the Ö1 radio station regarding the topic of “Manipulation with maps”.
Courses for WS 2008/2009 are online
Courses for WS 2008/2009 are online in the teaching section.
CartoTalk Yan Li

Prof. Yan Li (right) and Dr. Yang Cao (left) from South China Normal University visited our research group.
Prof. Yan Li overviewed one of her research topics. The title of her CartoTalk was An Extension of Spatial Functionality for SVG Specification.
Professor Yan LI is vice Director of School of Computer, and Director of Spatial Information Research Center, South China Normal University in Guangzhou, China. She focuses on the theories and methods of spatial information and also on Remote Sensing and GIS applications. Some related projects are: “Spatial Information Integration and applications in Guangdong”, “a prototype of hyper-spectral image processing System development”, “Environment monitoring with hyper-spectra data”, “A XML based spatial information service system” etc.
Find all CartoTalks here.
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The way we walk
Der Artikel The way we walk unserer Mitarbeiterin Alexandra Millonig wurde im Onlinemagazin Coordinates veröffentlicht.
Website for CEE2009 online

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Standardartikel zu Kartographie von Mobilnetzdaten
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