Anna Vetter won the 2015 swisstopoEDU-MSc promotion programme

Anna Vetter
Anna Vetter after her master presentation in Dec 2014

Anna Vetter, alumni of the second intake of the International Master of Cartography, won the 2015 swisstopoEDU-MSc promotion programme for her thesis The automatic generalisation of buildings whilst maintaining the settlement structure: A case study based on the 1:50‘000 Swiss National Map Series, which she wrote in collaboration with swisstopo, ESRI Switzerland and the Research Group Cartography. Congratulations, Anna!

More about the swisstopoEDU-MSc promotion programme can be found here:

CartoTalk Maria Brovelli: Via Regina − Using FOSS4G for slow tourism

We invite you to our first CartoTalk in 2015. Maria Brovelli from Politecnico di Milano will talk about Via Regina − Using FOSS4G for slow tourism.

Abstract: The importance of the tourism industry to the world economy has impressively grown over the last decades, and the paradigm of slow tourism has been emerging as a new way to achieve sustainability through the values of patience, peace of mind, citizens’ participation, environmentally friendly experience as focused on cultural understanding and rediscovery of knowledge. GIS-based technological innovation can be a key element for that purpose and FOSS4G can play a fundamental role.

“The Paths of Via Regina” is an INTERREG project (Cross-border Co-operation Operational Programme Italy – Switzerland 2007-2013) which aims at valorising the cross-border area between Italy and Switzerland covered by many historical paths departing from the historical Via Regina. These ancient routes have represented an important network of communication, cultural and commercial exchange throughout Europe and nowadays can be an important transalpine system of soft mobility links. The project is developed within the context of GeoWeb 2.0, that has opened new possibilities in terms of online dissemination and sharing of geospatial contents. Free and open source tools for processing, cataloguing, querying, editing and Web publishing maps have been used. According to the crowdsourcing paradigm, users not only access information but also become precious data producers. A mobile application through which pedestrian tourists can download forms, fill them along the trip and send them to the server for the final online publication was created. Moreover the Via Regina geoportal makes available two different viewers: a bi-dimensional one (for both traditional computers and mobile devices) and a multidimensional one. Both of them provide all kinds of soft-tourism tools for pedestrian, bicycle and horse travellers. Besides getting useful information from the geoportal for optimally organizing their trips, users can also enrich the geoportal through the contents (e.g. pictures and videos) collected during the trip and shared with the community.

About Maria Antonia Brovelli: Degree with honors in Physics, PhD in Geodesy. Currently Professor of GIS at Politecnico di Milano. From 2006 to 2011 she lectured GIS at the ETH Zurich. From 2001 to 2011 she was the scientific responsible of the Geomatics Laboratory of the Politecnico di Milano. Since 2011 she is Vice Rector for the Como Campus of Politecnico di Milano. She is co-chair of ISPRS WG IV/5 “Web and Cloud Based Geospatial Services and Applications”, Associate Editor of Applied Geomatics Journal (Springer); Member of the Scientific Committee of the Italian Photogrammetric and Topography Society (SIFET); Charter Member of OSGeo; Member of the Advisory Board of the ICA-OSGeo Labs Network.

Friday, 16 January 2015, 11:00
Forschungsgruppe Kartographie
Seminarraum 126

Österreichische Runde des Barbara-Petchenik-Wettbewerbes 2015

Die International Cartographic Association (ICA) ruft seit 1993 im zweijährigen Rhythmus zum Barbara-Petchenik-Wettbewerb auf. Ziel des Wettbewerbs ist es, die grafische Repräsentation der Welt durch Kinderhand zu fördern. Der Wettbewerb ist nach der früheren Vizepräsidentin der ICA Barbara Petchenik benannt, deren kartographisches Schaffen vor allem Karten für Kinder gewidmet war. Die nationale Ausschreibung des Wettbewerbs wird von der ÖKK und der Forschungsgruppe Kartographie entsprechend der ICA-Richtlinien organisiert.

Der Wettbewerb 2015 hat das Rahmenthema “My place in today’s world”

Es soll eine dem Anliegen des Wettbewerbs entsprechende möglichst farbige Karte – über die ganze Welt oder einen großen Teil davon – auf Papier mit Buntstiften, Wasserfarben, etc. gezeichnet oder aus anderem Material (z.B. farbige Papiere, Plastik, Karton usw.) hergestellt werden. Die Karte muss von den SchülerInnen selbstständig gezeichnet worden sein.

Die SchülerInnen können allein oder in Gruppen (von maximal drei AutorInnen, alle aus der gleichen Altersgruppe) arbeiten. Beteiligen können sich SchülerInnen, die jünger als 16 Jahre sind. Die vier Altersgruppen sind die folgenden:

  • unter 6 Jahre
  • 6 bis 8 Jahre
  • 9 bis 12 Jahre
  • 13 bis 15 Jahre

Abgabetermin ist der 20. Februar 2015!
Continue reading “Österreichische Runde des Barbara-Petchenik-Wettbewerbes 2015”

Presentation of three master theses on 5.12.2014

On Friday, December 5, three of our students successfully completed their studies in the International Master of Cartography (2nd intake) by presenting their theses:

Georg Gartner, Alice Rühl, Anna Vetter and Ekaterina Chuprikova
Georg Gartner, Alice Rühl, Anna Vetter and Ekaterina Chuprikova

Congratulations and all the best for your future!

11th International Symposium on Location-Based Services

LBS2014 logo
The 11th International Symposium on Location-Based Services (LBS 2014) took place at TU Vienna from 26 to 28 November 2014. After its initiation at TU Vienna in 2002, the conference travelled around the world – with venues in Salzburg, Munich, Nottingham, Hongkong and Shanghai. In 2014, the conference was once again organized by the Research Group Cartography.

This year, 140 participants from 37 countries joined the conference:

lbs2014 participant map

somap2014_logoThe LBS conference was held in conjunction with the Second International Symposium on Service-Oriented Mapping (SOMAP 2014). We also organized a hands-on workshop on Open Source GIS and Modern Webmapping on November 24–25, immediately before the main conference.

Program and proceedings can be found on

Anita Graser compiled a great summary of the conference on Storify – thx!

Präsentation von zwei Bachelorarbeiten am 25.11.2014

Wir laden Sie herzlich zur Präsentation von zwei Bachelorarbeiten am Dienstag, 25. November 2014, 13Uhr, ein. 

  • Franz Glaner: Die Möglichkeiten der Nutzung von Airborne-Laserscanning-Daten für die Erstellung von Orientierungslaufkarten
  • Florian Payer: Produktivitätsleistung von Open Source Drawing gegenüber proprietären Gestaltungswerkzeugen für die digitale Kartografie

Ort: Erzherzog-Johann-Platz 1, 4. Stock, Besprechungszimmer des Dekanats für Informatik

How much map is in your day?

One of our students – Felix Zaussinger, a bachelor student of Geodesy and Geoinformation – created a nice movie on the omnipresence of maps in his life. Well done, Felix!

So, how much map is in your day?