We are happy to inform that Georg Gartner is the new president of the International Cartographic Association (ICA).
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We are happy to inform that Georg Gartner is the new president of the International Cartographic Association (ICA).
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This year our research group is involved in KinderUni Technik (University for Children) with 4 lectures:
Watch the photos of our lectures here!
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The 1st European State of the Map Conference of the OpenStreetMap (OSM) project took place at Vienna University of Technology from 15 to 17 July 2011.It was organized by the Research Group Cartography together with OSM Austria.
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The new curricula for the bachelor in “Geodäsie und Geoinformatik” and the international master in “Cartography” are now officially published.
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Our PhD student had his successful defense of his PhD – congratulations!
We are happy to inform that on 21 June 2011, Michael Peterson from the University of Nebraska at Omaha will give a CartoTalk entitled
The Internet! Is that thing still around? Core concepts for modern cartography
Please find the English abstract in the invitation pdf [the presentation will be held in German].
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Check out the photo gallery to see our students in the fields.
Preisverleihung des Barbara-Petchenik-Wettbewerbs in Österreich 2011 fand am,18. Juni 2011 statt – finden Sie alle Details und Fotos auf der Wettbewerbs-Seite!
We are happy to inform that on 15 June 2011, Liu Liu from TU Delft will give a CartoTalk entitled
3D indoor “door-to-door” navigation approach to support first responders in emergency response
Please find the abstract in the invitation pdf.
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There will be a CartoBusinessTalk with OCAD on 10 June 2011.