LBS 2019 on-air

The Austrian national radio station Ö1 joined LBS2019 to capture the latest developments and ongoing research on Location Based Services: “Die Tücken der elektronischen Karten – Wie GPS die Welt(sicht) verändert” (starting at 19:18) is available in German until 29.11.2019, with interviews with Gartner Gartner, Georg Molzer, and Anita Graser.

For centuries, humans used maps to orientate themselves by land, by sea or to find their way. Nowadays, Location-Based Services are capable to provide such – and much more – information tailored to the users’ contexts. Last week, the international conference LBS2019 took place in Vienna to discuss ongoing research, projects, and challenges.

Georg Gartner on air – talking about latest trends in cartography

The Austrian national radio station Ö1 invited Georg Gartner to discuss the latest trends in modern cartography. Listen to the interview at Punkt eins.

“Ohne Karten wären wir räumlich blind”, sagt der Kartograph und Geograph Georg Gartner. “Karten sind ein elementares Mittel der Kommunikation für Menschen, denn alles findet irgendwo statt, hat sozusagen einen Ortsbezug”.