If you have any questions or problems, please contact us at info@openemotionmap.org.
Thank you for your participation.
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If you have any questions or problems, please contact us at info@openemotionmap.org.
Thank you for your participation.
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Watch the photos of our lectures here!
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Our student Jeff Welter of the International Master Program in Cartography designed and produced a plaster relief of the Großglockner during this semester. We think it is wonderful and we congratulate on this autodidactic achievement!
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Related to our project fem2map we held an OSM course – the photos are now online.
Yan Chaode from Zhengzhou University arrived to be with us as a guest researcher. Welcome!
Guest professor Nico Van de Weghe from Ghent University arrived to be with us and our students for a lecture marathon.
On 6 June 2012, Jürgen Döllner from the Hasso Plattner Institute in Potsdam gave a CartoTalk on the topic of
Visualization of Virtual 3D City Models
Find the abstract in the invitation pdf.
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The call for participation (pdf) for the Symposium on Service-Oriented Mapping (SoMap 2012) is published. The symposium is partly organized by the Research Group Cartography.
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Am 26. 03. 2012 fand eine Informationsveranstaltung aller Forschungsgruppen der Geo-Fachgruppe zum Thema Bachelorarbeiten statt. Die folgenden PDF-Dokumente enthalten die vorgestellten Inhalte sowie Bachelorarbeitsthemenvorschläge für Studierende des Bachelorstudiums Geodäsie und Geoinformatik.
Informationen zur Veranstaltung “Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten”
Themen Fernerkundung
Themen Geoinformation
Themen Höhere Geodäsie
Themen Ingenieurgeodäsie
Themen Kartographie
Themen Photogrammetrie
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The Austrian national TV station ORFeins covered the topic of cartography in the show Newton (Saturday, 17 March 2012, 18:25, ORFeins) and also reported on our research project EmoMap (more details: www.openemotionmap.org).
You can watch the show (in German) for one week in ORF’s TVthek.
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