Ivana Brković from the University of Zagreb, Croatia, Faculty of Philosophy, Dep. of Croatian Language and Literature was with us between 21 July and 14 August 2008 to work on her PhD.
CartoTalk by Ioannis Delikostidis
Ioannis Delikostidis from ITC Enschede gave a CartoTalk on 17 July 2008 on the topic of
Geo-identification and pedestrian navigation with geo-mobile applications: how do users proceed?
Please find out more in his presentation slides.
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Dr. Markus Jobst
Our PhD student Markus Jobst held his oral defense of his dissertation on July 15, 2008. His thesis is entitled
Ein semiotisches Modell für die kartographische Kommunikation mit 3D
Research group cartography congratulates!
KinderUni 2008
This year Research Group Cartography is involved in KinderUni Technik (University for Children) with 3 lectures:
- Mika: Weißt du, wo du bist? Wie die Erdoberfläche zu einer Karte wird.
- Eszter: Kennst du die Geographie von Österreich? Interaktive Kartenlernspiele im Internet.
- Antje and Felix: Die Vermessung der Welt. Wie kommt die Welt in die Karte und wie die Karte in die Welt?
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AGILE 2008 Best Paper Award
Our Ph.D. student and colleague Markus Jobst won the Best Paper Award at AGILE 2008, together with Haik Lorenz, Matthias Trapp, and Jürgen Döllner for their paper Interactive Multi-Perspective Views of Virtual 3D Landscape and City Models.
Research Group Cartography congratulates!
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CartoTalk by Rein Ahas
Rein Ahas from the University of Tartu, Estonia gave a CartoTalk on 9 May 2008 on the topic of Using mobile positioning data for mapping space-time behavior and developing LBS: Experiences from Estonia.
Please find the abstract in the invitation pdf or check out the slides.
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ICA website hosted at our group
We are happy to inform that the website of the International Cartographic Association (ICA) will be hosted at our group’s servers.
Guest professor Rein Ahas
Rein Ahas, professor at the University of Tartu, Estonia, will be with us as a guest professor at Research Group Cartography for a month.
More info about him: http://www.geo.ut.ee/ahas/ahaseng.html
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Tobias Debald leaves
Tobias Debald leaves our group and we wish him all the best for his future undertakings!
Pressebericht über SemWay

Volltext als PDF (293 KB) (Quelle: Die Presse)
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