CartoTalk Giedrė Beconytė

We invite you for a CartoTalk by Giedrė Beconytė from Vilnius University on the topic of and New Cartography

Geographic information portals where datasets, services and applications can be shared and used for development of new datasets, services and applications, open new fields of activity for cartographers. We will discuss some issues of Web maps design, a method that allows to develop semantically correct representations and some cartographic examples inspired by the geoportal – collaboration and crowdsourcing  in Lithuania: analytical maps, mapping alternative tourism sites,  mapping literature and maps for fun.

Giedrė BECONYTĖ received her PhD in Geography and MSc in System Engineering (Informatics) from the University of Vilnius. She is currently employed as Professor at the Centre for Cartography, Vilnius University and is a head of Spatial Information Infrastructure department at the State Enterprise “GIS-Centras”. She has published three textbooks on spatial project management  and DBMS. Her current research interests include innovations in thematic mapping, geographic information system design and project management.

Wednesday, 8 May 2013, 10:30 am
Research Group Cartography
Erzherzog-Johann-Platz 1, 1040 Wien

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Austrian Winners of the Petchenik Children’s Map Drawing Competition

A jury selected the best entries from all the maps sent to us in the national Austrian round of the Barbara Petchenik Children’s Map Drawing Competition. Check them out here [German website]!

A selection of the winning maps will be forwarded to the international round organized by the International Cartographic Association.

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Take our survey and get the chance to win Amazon vouchers

Dear visitors and colleagues,

Research Group Cartography is currently conducting a study on experiences and attitudes towards route choices in urban environments: Completing the whole survey will take you about 10 to 12 minutes only.

All participants have the chance to win one of five 20 € Amazon or Thalia vouchers. Of course we will handle your personal data confidentially, and will not pass them to any third party.

Please feel free to forward the questionnaire to friends and colleagues.

Thank you for participating, we appreciate your help!
Silvia Klettner & Haosheng Huang

Update, March 26: Our survey is closed now. The five winners have been contacted. Thank you very much for your participation!

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International Master in Cartography: students of 2013 arrived

Welcome meeting on 4 March 2013 We are happy to welcome 20 students from all over the world at TU Vienna. After they studied at TU Munich for one semester, they are now here with us for their second semester, before they leave for TU Dresden.

To find out more about the International Master in Cartography, please visit

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New website

After more than five years with the old website and after the recent change of the organization structure, we finally managed to set up a new website. All the information you used to find should still be there. The main change is in the news: with longer news posts we will be able to inform you better about what’s going on.

rss   mail   twitter

To stay up-to-date, please subscribe to our RSS feed or our email newsletter. You can also hear us twitter.

If you find any dead links or have other problems with the site, please let us know via or in the comments below!

porticus – Studien- und Berufsorientierungstage

At the cartography group
At the cartography group

The research groups on photogrammetry, geoinformation and cartography were involved in the porticus event, which allowed interested teenagers to get an insight into selected curricula at TU Vienna. On the second day of the three-day event, the students participated in a treasure hunt, checking in on various stations (i.e. research groups) around TU Vienna.

Read more on the porticus blog.

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Season’s Greetings 2012


Dear friends!

The Research Group Cartography at the Vienna University of Technology would like to thank you for the pleasant collaboration in 2012. We are looking forward to working with you in the upcoming year!

Our best wishes for a pleasant and restful holiday season!