CartoTalk Muki Haklay

We are happy to welcome Muki Haklay of the University College London (UCL) to our colloquium CartoTalks:

Volunteered Geographic Information –
Overview, Quality and Contributors Behaviour

Over the past 5 years a new phenomenon emerged in the area of geographical information. This is the contribution of digital geographical information by non-professional contributors. The information that can be collected through this method ranges from georeferenced photographs to observations that are taken in different parts of the world and to detailed mapping activities. This user-contributed geographical information was termed Volunteered Geographical Information by Goodchild (2007).

In the talk, the background to this phenomenon will be covered, pointing to the technical and societal changes that enable it. Following this overview the issue of data quality and how to evaluate it, will be discussed. Finally the behaviour of participants and their motivation will be covered.

Examples from Flickr, OpenStreetMap and Google Map Maker will be used to illustrate the various aspects of VGI and to highlight that there is a rich seam of empirical data, both quantitative and qualitative, that can be used in VGI research.

Friday, October 8 2010, 10 am
Seminar room 126
Research Group Cartography
Erzherzog-Johann-Platz 1, 1040 Wien

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LVA-Verschiebungen im Studienjahr 2011/2012

Die Forschungsgruppe Kartographie plant, ab dem Studienjahr 2011/2012 an einem internationalen Masterstudiengang in Kartographie teilzunehmen. Dadurch wird es notwendig werden, einige Lehrveranstaltungen vom Wintersemester in das Sommersemester zu verschieben. Da dies für einige Studierende bereits in der Studienplanung für das Studienjahr 2010/2011 relevant sein könnte, sind die geplanten Änderungen hier angeführt.

Die folgenden Lehrveranstaltungen werden ab dem Studienjahr 2011/2012 nicht mehr im Winter- sondern im Sommersemester angeboten:

  • VO Theoretische Kartographie
  • VU Geomedientechnik
  • VU Kartenredaktion und kartographisches Projektmanagement
  • PR Projekt Kartenerstellung

Änderungen vorbehalten!

WebMapping Workshops in Southeast Asia

Participants in Vietnam
Participants in Vietnam
Participants in Indonesia
Participants in Indonesia
Fahmi Amhar, Geomatics Research Division, Bakosurtanal and William Cartwright, President of the ICA
Fahmi Amhar, Geomatics Research Division, Bakosurtanal and William Cartwright, President of the ICA
Fahmi Amhar and Manuela Schmidt
Fahmi Amhar and Manuela Schmidt

The ICA Commission on Education and Training organized two Workshops on Cartography in Southeast Asia. They took place between July 26 and August 6, 2010 in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam as well as in Jakarta, Indonesia.

Our colleague Manuela Schmidt was one of the presenters: together with William Cartwright, president of the ICA, she held a 5-day workshop about WebMapping in both cities.

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KinderUni 2010

KinderuniWien_LogoThis year our research group is involved in KinderUni Technik (University for Children) with 4 lectures:

Watch the photos of our lectures here!

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Results of the courses in SS 2010

Selected results of our students’ work in SS 2010. Have a nice summer!

  • Seminar Geowissenschaften/Kartographie [tuwis]

Alexandra Millonig ist FEMtech-Expertin des Monats Juni

millonig_alexandraUnsere Dissertantin Alexandra Millonig ist FEMtech-Expertin des Monats Juni 2010. Als “Expertin des Monats” werden Frauen ausgezeichnet, die in der technologieorientierten Forschung mit Erfolg tätig sind.

Wir gratulieren ganz herzlich!

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