Cartography M.Sc. graduates Valerian Lange and Josè Pablo Ceballos received 1st and 2nd place in the AGEO Awards 2023 for the best master theses in the Geographic information field in Austria.
The award took place on July 4, at the GI Salzburg Conference at the University of Salzburg. This prize, awarded for the 14th time by the Austrian umbrella organization for geographical information AGEO, pursues the goal of promoting excellent graduates from Austrian universities in the field of spatial information science.

The winner of the Award – Valerian Lange, a photo from his LinkedIn page.
You can find master theses on the Cartography M.Sc. website:
Valerian Lange’s: MapColPal – a color palette generation and testing tool for thematic maps
Josè Pablo Ceballos’: Understanding Relevance in Maps through the use of Knowledge Graphs