Cartography M.Sc. graduation ceremony of the 10th intake

On Friday, the 2nd of December, the Research Unit of Cartography at the Vienna University of Technology hosted the Cartography M.Sc. graduation ceremony. This year, 24 students successfully graduated from the Cartography M.Sc. programme. Eight of them revisited TU Vienna for graduation, which was in hybrid mode. The thesis semester coordinator Barend Köbben from the University of Twente, and the Cartography M.Sc. programme coordinator, Juliane Cron, from the Technical University of Munich, ran the ceremony and granted the graduation certificates. 

The students accomplished their master’s theses during the summer semester at one of the four partner universities: the Technical University of Munich, Vienna University of Technology, Technical University of Dresden and the University of Twente. The published theses of the 10th intake can be found at

We congratulate all students on the completion of their studies!

Cartography M.Sc. Theses Defenses

Five students from the Cartography M.Sc. programme successfully defended their theses at TU Wien on the 22ns and 23rd of September. We sincerely congratulate them and wish them success in the future discovers!

José Pablo Ceballos Cantú “Maps+ – Enhancing maps from knowledge networks”
Vivien van Dongen “The application of a user-centered design framework for a static topographic ski touring map”
Lydia Youngblood “Narrating the route”
Sangho Lee “Tracing the Evolution of Digital Cartography in Cartography Textbooks”
Héctor Ochoa Ortiz “Pedestrian routing of periodically changing areas using Volunteered Geographical Information (OpenStreetMap)”

Lydia Youngblood, Prof. Georg Gartner and Vivien van Dongen after the defense at TU Wien on the 22nd of September.

Dr Barend Köbben at our Research Unit

Dr Barend Köbben from ITC of the University of Twente visited our Research Unit Cartography in April 2022. The excellent and close cooperation of the four partner universities of the International MSc Cartography has reached a new level of engagement, with having Dr Köbben contributing significantly to the teaching of the class “Cartographic Information Systems” during the “Vienna Semester”. Besides this, his role as Thesis Semester Coordinator of the MSc Cartography programme was used to inform and steer the current 4th Semester master students accordingly.

We are thankful for Barend’s visit and his most beneficial contribution!

Welcome 11th intake!

We are happy to welcome our new intake of the International Master in Cartography program! The 21 students from 13 countries have finished their first semester at TU München and will spend the summer semester with us before moving to Dresden.

We wish all students a great and successful time and are glad to share social activities, such as our Carto Walk through the historical centre of Vienna.

Welcome 10th intake!

We are happy to welcome 29 students from 20 different countries to the International Master in Cartography program! After finishing their first semester at TU München and before they move to Dresden, the students will stay with us at TU Vienna for the summer semester of 2021.

Despite the circumstances, we wish all students a great and successful time in Vienna!

To find out more about the International Master in Cartography, please visit