Presentation of three master theses on 5.12.2014

On Friday, December 5, three of our students successfully completed their studies in the International Master of Cartography (2nd intake) by presenting their theses:

Georg Gartner, Alice Rühl, Anna Vetter and Ekaterina Chuprikova
Georg Gartner, Alice Rühl, Anna Vetter and Ekaterina Chuprikova

Congratulations and all the best for your future!

Master thesis presentation by Jan Behrens

Georg Gartner, Jan Behrens, Manuela Schmidt
Georg Gartner, Jan Behrens, Manuela Schmidt

On 21 August 2014, Jan Behrens, student from the International Master in Cartography (2011 intake), successfully completed his master studies by presenting his thesis on the topic of

„Testing the Usability of OpenStreetMap’s iD Tool“

Congratulations, Jan!

His thesis can be online accessed from the TU library.

Unfortunately, Corné van Elzakker from ITC Enschede, who was as an external supervisor for Jan’s thesis could not attend the presentation. We would like to thank him for his excellent support and are looking forward to future cooperation!

International Master in Cartography selected for Erasmus+

International Master in CartographyI am happy to inform you that the International Master Programme Cartography – our joint master degree in cooperation with TU Munich, TU Vienna and TU Dresden focusing on modern cartography – has been selected for Erasmus+ by the Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency. Out of 58 submitted applications, we are one of 9 successful joint master degrees in the “Erasmus Mundus” section.

This means that the International Master in Cartography will be supported by the European Union’s Erasmus+ programme, allowing also the University of Twente to join in. The 5 year grant will help to support a preparatory year (starting in October 2014), followed by three student intakes (2015, 2016, 2017).

The evaluation pointed out the excellence of the exisiting teams in Munich, Vienna and Dresden as well as the professional structure and cooperation. It was also highlighted that the “unique selling point” in offering a Master Programme in Cartography is seen as a most successful strategy.

– Georg Gartner