Hua Liao, PhD student from Beijing Normal University, will stay with us for one year. Welcome!
Call4Papers for the 10th International Symposium on Location-Based Services
The 10th International Symposium on Location-Based Services (a conference series born at TU Vienna) will take place in Shanghai, China, 21–22 November 2013. The call for papers is open now and until 20 April 2013.
Find more information at the conference website.
Yang Cao leaves
Yang Cao, our one-year guest researcher from the Spatial Information Research Center of South China Normal University, finished her stay at TU Vienna. We are thankful for the interesting exchange and wish her all the best!
Welcome Yan Chaode
Yan Chaode from Zhengzhou University arrived to be with us as a guest researcher. Welcome!
Visit by Prof Xia Linyuan

Prof Xia Linyuan from the School of Geographical Sciences and Planning at the Sun Yat-Sen University in Guangzhou, China, visited our university to discuss with Günther Retscher of the geodesy as well as Georg Gartner of the cartography group.
Welcome Yang Cao
Yang Cao from South China Normal University will stay with us as a guest researcher for one year. Welcome!
CartoTalk Liu Liu
We are happy to inform that on 15 June 2011, Liu Liu from TU Delft will give a CartoTalk entitled
3D indoor “door-to-door” navigation approach to support first responders in emergency response
Please find the abstract in the invitation pdf.
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CartoTalk Yan Li

Prof. Yan Li (right) and Dr. Yang Cao (left) from South China Normal University visited our research group.
Prof. Yan Li overviewed one of her research topics. The title of her CartoTalk was An Extension of Spatial Functionality for SVG Specification.
Professor Yan LI is vice Director of School of Computer, and Director of Spatial Information Research Center, South China Normal University in Guangzhou, China. She focuses on the theories and methods of spatial information and also on Remote Sensing and GIS applications. Some related projects are: “Spatial Information Integration and applications in Guangdong”, “a prototype of hyper-spectral image processing System development”, “Environment monitoring with hyper-spectra data”, “A XML based spatial information service system” etc.
Find all CartoTalks here.
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New project assistant Haosheng Huang
Welcome Haosheng!