CartoTalk Yan Li


Prof. Yan Li (right) and Dr. Yang Cao (left) from South China Normal University visited our research group.

Prof. Yan Li overviewed one of her research topics. The title of her CartoTalk was An Extension of Spatial Functionality for SVG Specification.

Professor Yan LI is vice Director of School of Computer, and Director of Spatial Information Research Center, South China Normal University in Guangzhou, China. She focuses on the theories and methods of spatial information and also on Remote Sensing and GIS applications. Some related projects are: “Spatial Information Integration and applications in Guangdong”, “a prototype of hyper-spectral image processing System development”, “Environment monitoring with hyper-spectra data”, “A XML based spatial information service system” etc.

Find all CartoTalks here.

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KinderUni 2008


This year Research Group Cartography is involved in KinderUni Technik (University for Children) with 3 lectures:

  • Mika: Weißt du, wo du bist? Wie die Erdoberfläche zu einer Karte wird.
  • Eszter: Kennst du die Geographie von Österreich? Interaktive Kartenlernspiele im Internet.
  • Antje and Felix: Die Vermessung der Welt. Wie kommt die Welt in die Karte und wie die Karte in die Welt?

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