The 5th Conference on LBS & TeleCartography took place in Salzburg from November 26 to 28. We are happy that the conference – which was initiate by our group – again found a very interesting venue.
Inaugural Prof. Gartner
»Moderne Kartographie – LBS, ubiquitäre Kartographie und WebMapping 2.0«
Die Antrittsvorlesung von Prof. Gartner fand am 18. November 2008 statt.
Fotos von der akademischen Feier finden Sie hier!
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Website for CEE2009 online

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First ICA executive committee meeting in Austria
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Cartography and Art Symposium

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4th Conference on LBS & TeleCartography took place in Hong Kong
The 4th Conference on LBS & TeleCartography took place in Hong Kong from November 8 to 10. We are happy that the conference found a very interesting venue after it was held for the first three times at Vienna University of Technology.
Art and Cartography Symposium website online

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