Participants in VietnamParticipants in IndonesiaFahmi Amhar, Geomatics Research Division, Bakosurtanal and William Cartwright, President of the ICAFahmi Amhar and Manuela Schmidt
The ICA Commission on Education and Training organized two Workshops on Cartography in Southeast Asia. They took place between July 26 and August 6, 2010 in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam as well as in Jakarta, Indonesia.
Our colleague Manuela Schmidt was one of the presenters: together with William Cartwright, president of the ICA, she held a 5-day workshop about WebMapping in both cities.
The 5th International Workshop on Digital Approaches in Cartographic Heritage was organized by Research Group Cartography and took place at TU Vienna from 22 to 23 February 2010.
The winners for 2007/2008: Franz Zehetner and Andreas EichhornThe winners for 2008/2009: Gerhard Navratil and Alexander Reiterer
On December 11, 2009 the Geo Education Awards for excellent achievements in teaching in the field of geodesy at TU Vienna were awarded for the first time.
The selection process for the award is two-stage: the selection of nominees is based on the results of the student’s online teaching evaluation. The prize winners are choosen by the dean for academic affairs, the chairman of the committee for studies and two student representatives. The prize can be given to senior as well as junior teachers.
For the first Geo Education Awards ceremony the speakers were the dean for mathematics and geoinformation Prof. Dietmar Dorninger and the vice rector for academic affairs Prof. Adalbert Prechtl. In the first ceremony the awards were given for the previous two academic years.
We congratulate the winners and thank for their commitment!
The book is part of the series “Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography” published by Springer. It contains selected papers of the symposium “Cartography in Central and Eastern Europe 2009” which was organized by Research Group Cartography together with the International Cartographic Association in February 2009.
The International Workshop on Digital Approaches in Cartographic Heritage will take place from 22 to 24 February 2010 at TU Vienna and is organized by Research Group Cartography.
The book is part of the series “Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography” published by Springer. It contains selected papers of the symposium “Cartography and Art – Art and Cartography” which was organized by Research Group Cartography together with Academy of Fine Arts Vienna in February 2008.
Find all details about the first installment of the ICA Symposium on Cartography in Central and Eastern Europe, which took place on 16 and 17 February 2009 at TU Vienna, on the symposium website.