We recently concluded a workshop at TU Wien as part of the Shape2Gether project with all eight project partners. Shape2Gether aims to advance education by integrating geosciences, technology, and serious gaming to address climate change and its effects on Europe. During the workshop, we focused on laying the groundwork for three upcoming summer schools in Norway, Malta, and Germany, preparing to welcome students. Each university partner will send four students to accompany us to each summer school.
We’re looking forward to the first summer school scheduled for May 2024 in Tautra and Trondheim, Norway. The summer school will provide students with an immersive educational experience, including hands-on activities like VR, on-site exploration, and group work as an interdisciplinary, international team.
For more information and updates on the project, visit our project webpage.
Shape2Gether Project Kick-off Meeting
From October 25 to 27, 2023, the three-year EU-funded Erasmus+ project Shape2Gether kicked off in Olomouc, Czech Republic. Managed by Palacký University Olomouc, this project unites institutions and experts across Europe, including the Research Unit Cartography at TU Wien, Ruhr University Bochum (Germany), University of Malta (Malta), Turku University (Finland), Utrecht University (Netherlands) and Lentävä Liitutaulu OY (Seppo gamification platform) (Finland).
The core objective of this project is to explore and implement educational methods for sustainable development, with a particular focus on addressing the challenges presented by climate change and its effects on Europe. It does so by uniting three distinct areas of expertise: geosciences, new technologies, and serious game design. The ultimate aim is to establish a forward-thinking international master’s program in the following years.
We are very happy to be a part of this innovative project!

Doctoral defense of Wangshu Wang
Wangshu Wang has successfully defended her dissertation “Please Follow the Signs: Considering Existing Navigational Aids in Indoor Navigation Services “.
Prof. Georg Gartner from our Research Unit Cartography was her supervisor, while Prof. Liqiu Meng from the Technical University of Munich and Prof. Haosheng Huang from Ghent University were the reviewers.
Congratulations, Dr. Wang, and all the best for your future!

Henry Johns Award for Florian Ledermann
Congratulations to Florian Ledermann for winning the Henry Johns Award of the British Cartographic Society, awarded yearly for the best paper published in The Cartographic Journal. Florian’s paper “The Effect of Display Pixel Density on the Minimum Legible Size of Fundamental Cartographic Symbols” was chosen as the best paper of the year 2022.
“Part of my family has roots in the UK, so receiving this award from the British Cartographic Society means a lot to me, also on a personal level.” Florian will invest the prize money of 100£ to expand his personal collection of cartographic books and atlases.

Doctoral defense of Florian Ledermann
Florian Ledermann has successfully defended his dissertation titled “Empirical assessment of minimum dimensions for cartographic symbology on smartphone displays “.
His supervisor was Prof. Georg Gartner from our Research Unit Cartography; reviewers were Prof. Anthony Robinson from Penn State University and Prof. Liqiu Meng from TU Müchen.
Congratulations, Dr. Ledermann, and all the best for your future!

PhD defense of Florian Ledermann
We are pleased to invite you to the public PhD defense of our staff member Florian Ledermann on the “Empirical assessment of minimum dimensions for cartographic symbology on smartphone displays”.
The defense will take place on the 7th of December 2022, 11 am at the Seminarraum DA02C (TU Wien “Freihaus”, green area, 2nd floor), Wiedner Hauptstraße 8, 1040 Wien and via Zoom.

For more information on his doctoral research, find the abstract here.
Danke, Iby!
Wem TISS, TUWEL, PublDB, SAP, Schlüsselbuch, GUT, FWF, FFG, WWF, LBS und unzählige andere Abkürzungen nichts sagen: Das sind nur einige der Systeme, Organisationsformen, Datenbanken die sich Violet Derman im Laufe ihrer Dienstzeit als Sekretärin am Institut für Kartographie und Reproduktionstechnik, später Institut für Kartographie und Geo-Medientechnik, später Forschungsbereich Kartographie, später Research Unit Cartography, angeeignet und beherrscht hat!
In den Jahrzehnten im Dienste der akademischen Kartographie gab es keine einzige Zahl, keinen Beistrich und kein Wort, die von Violet Derman falsch eingegeben worden wäre, auch wenn Begriffe, Namen und Bezeichnungen die Internationalisierung der Universitäten und der Entwicklung der Kartographie widerspiegeln!
Iby, wie sie von allen genannt wurde, hat zahlreiche Mitarbeiter, Studenten und Kollegen kommen und gehen gesehen, sie blieb immer eine Anlaufstation für kleinere und größere Probleme und eine Anlaufstelle für Austausch.
Die ihr eigene Verlässlichkeit, Freundlichkeit und Kompetenz ist in unserer schnelllebigen und hektischen Zeit selten geworden, wir verdanken dir alle viel!
Am wichtigsten war mir und uns aber immer, dass du einfach ein netter Mensch bist!

Danke für Alles!
Die “Kartographen”
Welcome, Olesia!
We are very happy to welcome our new colleague Olesia Ignateva.
She received her bachelor’s degree in Cartography and Geoinformatics at Kazan Federal University and graduated with distinction from the International Cartography Master program in 2021.
Olesia will work with us as a researcher and lecturer and share her scientific interests in the history of Cartography, critical Cartography, cartographic education and ethics.
Atlas on SDGs in action
Our lecturer Dr. Markus Jobst has published an atlas on the Sustainable Development Goals. “SDGs in Action – A Generations` View” includes maps, statements and biographies of various contributors to illustrate different perspectives on today`s problems and motivations for establishing a sustainable world.
For more information or to get the printed or digital bilingual atlas in English / German, visit: https://sdggeneration.cartography.at/
Congratulations, Markus, on this valuable work!
Doctoral defense of Silvia Klettner
Silvia Klettner has successfully defended her dissertation titled “The Polysemy of Map Signs: An Exploration of the Connotative Meanings of Cartographic Point Symbols”.
Her supervisor was Prof. Gartner from our Research Unit Cartography; reviewers were Prof. Michael P. Peterson from the University of Nebraska Omaha, USA and Dr. Amy Griffin from the RMIT University in Australia.
Congratulations, Dr. Klettner, and all the best for your future!

Read more about Dr. Klettner`s research here.