porticus – Studien- und Berufsorientierungstage

At the cartography group
At the cartography group

The research groups on photogrammetry, geoinformation and cartography were involved in the porticus event, which allowed interested teenagers to get an insight into selected curricula at TU Vienna. On the second day of the three-day event, the students participated in a treasure hunt, checking in on various stations (i.e. research groups) around TU Vienna.

Read more on the porticus blog.

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Großglockner relief by Jeff Welter

Jeff Welter and the 40 by 40 cm relief
Jeff Welter and the 40 by 40 cm relief
Top view
Top view

Our student Jeff Welter of the International Master Program in Cartography designed and produced a plaster relief of the Großglockner during this semester. We think it is wonderful and we congratulate on this autodidactic achievement!

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Bachelorarbeitsthemen 2012

Am 26. 03. 2012 fand eine Informationsveranstaltung aller Forschungsgruppen der Geo-Fachgruppe zum Thema Bachelorarbeiten statt. Die folgenden PDF-Dokumente enthalten die vorgestellten Inhalte sowie Bachelorarbeitsthemenvorschläge für Studierende des Bachelorstudiums Geodäsie und Geoinformatik.

Informationen zur Veranstaltung “Wissenschaftliches Arbeiten”

Themen Fernerkundung
Themen Geoinformation
Themen Höhere Geodäsie
Themen Ingenieurgeodäsie
Themen Kartographie
Themen Photogrammetrie

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