Bachelor thesis presentations on Open Government Data and OpenStreetMap styling

On November 11, two students presented their bachelor theses: Mariela Nazlamova presented her work “Open Government Data in Austria. Analyzing the Potential of Cartographic Visualization of Spatial Administration Data” (supervised by Gartner and Ledermann), and Christopher Kmen presented his work on replicating the map style for OSM data.

For Mariela, this was the last step in completing her studies at TU Wien – congratulations and best wishes for your future career!


Great student maps from Project Map Creation, summer semester 2016

After a busy summer semester we would like to showcase a selection of extraordinary projects from the class Project Map Creation:

Budapest City Map, Li Junyan
Budapest City Map, Li Junyan

Vinson Massif: Highlight in the Ellsworth Mountains (Antarctica), Jensen Alika
Vinson Massif: Highlight in the Ellsworth Mountains (Antarctica), Jensen Alika (pdf, 1mb)

Early Exploration of North America, Jílková Petra
Early Exploration of North America, Jílková Petra (pdf, 8.7mb)

Twisted discovery / Map of Vienna, Guo Kaidi
Twisted discovery / Map of Vienna, Guo Kaidi (pdf, 1mb)

Mystery of the Kladruby Monastery, Fenclová Karolína
Mystery of the Kladruby Monastery, Fenclová Karolína (pdf, 3mb)

UBahn-time-based map of Vienna, Han Keni
UBahn-time-based map of Vienna, Han Keni (pdf, 2.8mb)

Vienna’s Lost Waters, Paul Kästner
Vienna’s Lost Waters, Paul Kästner (pdf, 3mb)

Historic Map of Modern Vienna, Clemens Niessner
Historic Map of Modern Vienna, Clemens Niessner

A huge thanks to all students for their hard work! Enjoy the summer.

Results from other classes might follow. Results from earlier semesters can be found here:
2015 | summer 2014 | winter 2014 | 2013 | 2012

Farewell to the fifth intake of the International Master on Cartography

The fifth intake of the International Master Programme on Cartography has finished the “Vienna Semester” and is now heading to TU Dresden for the third semester. We organized a farewell session to review the semester and to showcase results of their hard work in this semester. 





We wish them all the best!

To find out more about the International Master in Cartography, please visit

Meet & greet with representatives of all 4 partner universities of the International Master of Cartography

On April 14, the Research Group Cartography hosted a meeting of representatives of all partner universities of the Master of Cartography programme. We were happy to welcome programme coordinator Juliane Cron from Technische Universität München, Dirk Burghardt from TU Dresden and Corné van Elzakker from ITC, University of Twente.


The students from the 5th intake, who spend the summer semester 2016 at TU Wien, had the chance to get to know the colleagues from Dresden and Twente and get information about upcoming classes and excursions.

To find out more about the International Master in Cartography, please visit

Welcome to the 5th intake of the International Master in Cartography

We are happy to welcome 21 students from all over the world at TU Vienna for the summer semester 2016. Countries of origin include China, Bosnia and Herzigowina, UK, Iran, Turkey, Bangladesh, Egypt, Kuwait, USA, Brazil, Ukraine, Poland and Namibia!


After finishing their first semester at TU München, the students are now here with us for their second semester, before proceeding to TU Dresden. We wish them a fun and successful semester!

To find out more about the International Master in Cartography, please visit

Master thesis presentation on 16.12.2015

On December 16, Francisco Daniel Porras Bernárdez, student of the International Master of Cartography (3rd intake), presented his master thesis on the topic of “Extraction of user’s stays from GPS logs: A comparison of three spatio-temporal clustering approaches”. His presentation is accessible online here.

Haosheng Huang, Francisco Daniel Porras Bernárdez and Georg Gartner after the master presentation
Haosheng Huang, Francisco Daniel Porras Bernárdez and Georg Gartner after the master presentation


200 cartographers will meet in Vienna

eurocarto_logoNext week will be a very busy week for our Research Group: We will host the 1st ICA European Symposium on Cartography (EuroCarto). From Tuesday to Thursday participants can expect a dense program of cartographic input. Feel free to scroll through the program on

Just before the conference, a meeting of representatives of the International Cartographic Association (ICA) will take place at TU Wien. All ICA commission chairs are invited to join and plan their activities for the next years. This will also include a meeting of the Working Group on the International Map Year (IMY).

On Wednesday, the consortium of the Cartography M.Sc. programme will meet to discuss the future of the Erasmus+ Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree.

Great student projects, summer semester 2015

After a busy summer semester we would like to showcase a selection of extraordinary projects from the classes Webmapping, Multimedia Cartography, Project Map Creation and Applied Cartography:

Indy Wien Map Guide by Myles Cook, Project Map CreationHiking map for Brdy Hills by Vlach Pavel, Project Map Creation

Tombstone Territorial Park Map by Allie Strel, Project Map Creation

Typographic Map of Vienna by Shuoyan Huang, Project Map Creation

Prater Running Map by Aleksandra Draksler, Project Map Creation

Thematic Map about Vorderland-Feldkirch by Lisa Ertl, Applied Cartography

A huge thanks to all students for their hard work! Enjoy the summer.

Projects from earlier semesters can be found here: summer 2014 | winter 2014 | 2013 | 2012