After a busy summer semester we would like to showcase a selection of extraordinary projects from the classes Webmapping, Multimedia Cartography, Project Map Creation and Applied Cartography:
- Indy Wien Map Guide by Myles Cook (pdf, 12mb), Project Map Creation
- Hiking map for Brdy Hills by Vlach Pavel (pdf, 11mb), Project Map Creation
- Tombstone Territorial Park Map by Allie Strel (pdf, 12mb), Project Map Creation
- Prater Running Map by Aleksandra Draksler (pdf, 24mb), Project Map Creation
- Typographic Map of Vienna by Shuoyan Huang (pdf, 9mb), Project Map Creation
- Thematic Map about Vorderland-Feldkirch (pdf, 2mb) by Lisa Ertl, Applied Cartography (assignment)
- Thematic Map about Asylum seekers in Europe 2010–2014 (pdf, 5mb) by Katharina Berger, Applied Cartography (assignment)
- by Isaak Granzer and Gabriel Neuner, Web Mapping (group project)
- Krkonoše MTB Track by Pavel Vlach and Jakub Jaroš, Web Mapping (group project)
- Designing animated maps with the map reader in mind by Silvia Klettner, Multimedia Cartography
A huge thanks to all students for their hard work! Enjoy the summer.
Projects from earlier semesters can be found here: summer 2014 | winter 2014 | 2013 | 2012