Open position in the cartography group

The Research Division Cartography is looking for a pre-doc University Assistant for 2.5 years, starting on 1 Feb 2020. All details [in German]:

Am Department für Geodäsie und Geoinformation , Forschungsbereich Kartographie E120-06 ist voraussichtlich ab 1. Februar 2020 für die Dauer von 2,5 Jahren eine Stelle für eine_n Assistenten_in, Gehaltsgruppe B1, mit einem Beschäftigungsausmaß von 30 Wochenstunden zu besetzen.
Das monatliche Mindestentgelt für diese Gehaltsgruppe beträgt derzeit EUR 2.148,40 (14x jährlich). Aufgrund tätigkeitsbezogener Vorerfahrungen kann sich das Entgelt erhöhen.

abgeschlossenes Magister-, Diplom-, oder Masterstudium der Fachrichtung Kartographie, Geoinformatik, Informatik mit Schwerpunkt Visualization, Geodäsie bzw. gleichwertiges Universitätsstudium im In- oder Ausland

Sonstige Kenntnisse:
Die Bewerberinnen/Bewerber müssen zum Zeitpunkt des Stellenantritts ein einschlägiges Diplom- oder Masterstudium im Bereich der Kartographie, Geoinformatik, Informatik mit Schwerpunkt Visualization, Geodäsie oder Geographie abgeschlossen haben.
Der/Die Stelleninhaber/in soll im Bereich von Kartographischen Informationssystemen, insbesondere im Kontext von Location-based Services, arbeiten. Daher soll sie/er über sehr gute Kenntnisse in diesem Bereich sowie von Kartographischem Design, Methoden des WebMapping und von Visualization-Techniken verfügen. Außerdem sind sehr gute GIS und Programmierkenntnisse (bevorzugt JavaScript und Python) erwünscht. Für weitere Auskünfte zu dieser Ausschreibung stehen Ihnen Prof. Dr. Georg Gartner ( ) zur Verfügung.

Bewerbungsfrist: bis 16.01.2020
Bewerbungen richten Sie an die Personaladministration, Fachbereich wiss. Personal der Technischen Universität Wien, Karlsplatz 13, 1040 Wien, Onlinebewerbungen an
Die Bewerber und Bewerberinnen haben keinen Anspruch auf Abgeltung angefallener Reise- und Aufenthaltskosten, die aus Anlass des Aufnahmeverfahrens entstanden sind.

LBS 2019 on-air

The Austrian national radio station Ö1 joined LBS2019 to capture the latest developments and ongoing research on Location Based Services: “Die Tücken der elektronischen Karten – Wie GPS die Welt(sicht) verändert” (starting at 19:18) is available in German until 29.11.2019, with interviews with Gartner Gartner, Georg Molzer, and Anita Graser.

For centuries, humans used maps to orientate themselves by land, by sea or to find their way. Nowadays, Location-Based Services are capable to provide such – and much more – information tailored to the users’ contexts. Last week, the international conference LBS2019 took place in Vienna to discuss ongoing research, projects, and challenges.

Cartography M.Sc. Alumni Meeting 2019

From October 10-12, 2019, the first Cartography M.Sc. Alumni Meeting took place, hosted by TU Munich. The alumni of all former intakes, fresh graduates, current students, and consortium members of the four cooperating universities met for the first time to learn, reconnect, and network.

Alumni, current students, and consortium members of the four cooperating universities

During the three-day event, the alumni from different intakes shared their career stories, gave professional advice, motivational mantras, and presented lessons learned after they left the Alma Mater.

For more impressions and details visit Cartography M.Sc. Alumni Meeting or follow the Cartography M.Sc. Program on Twitter.

Master thesis presentations 2019

We congratulate  Metrine, Maria, Marko, Agnieszka, and Yingwen for finishing their International Master in Cartography!

  • Metrine Muyoka Bwisa: Effects of Uncertainty Visualization on Decision Making and User Confidence: An Empirical Study
  • Maria Athanasiou: Comparing Social Media Topics of Interest associated with places according to user’s origin
  • Marko Tošić: Analysing the potential of network kernel density estimation for the study of tourism based on geosocial media data
  • Agnieszka Mańk: Cartographic symbolization for high-resolution displays
  • Yingwen Deng: Tourists vs. locals: mapping urban traces from social media
Metrine Muyoka Bwisa, Maria Athanasiou, Marko Tošić, Agnieszka Mańk, and Yingwen Deng

Well done and best wishes for your future careers!

The EURECA project closing event in Brussels

On last Thursday 12th the closing event of the EURECA/UGESCO projects was held at Cinematek, the Royal Belgian Film Archive in Brussels. EURECA is an international cooperation of the TU Wien, the Ghent University and several Belgian and Austrian archives focused on revealing inter-regional traces in Europe.

Results were presented by Steven Verstockt, Nico Van de Weghe, Kenzo Milleville, Dilawar Ali, Georg Gartner and Francisco Porras Bernárdez. We will extend further our excellent cooperation with our colleagues.

(Images from ÖKF Brüssel)

More information about EURECA can be found here.

Congratulations to Jakob Listabarth for winning at MONOCARTO 2019

We congratulate our student Jakob Listabarth for being a winner at the Monochrome Mapping Competition 2019 with his purely magenta map “The Lost Treasures of la Isla del Coco”, which he created within the class Project Map Creation this summer semester.

Isla del Coco by Jakob Listabarth
The full resolution file can be downloaded here.

From the jury statement:

When doing monochrome design, cartographers can only use one “ink” color, but most of us at least use various tints of that ink: basically, mixing it with the background color to create a continuous ramp of colors (e.g., greyscale) that we can use to distinguish rivers, contours, and other feature types from each other. Continuous monochrome is tough enough, but Jakob Listabarth takes the challenge even further and uses this map’s sole ink at 100% strength only. He is only able to distinguish feature types from each other using line weight, dot/dash patterns, and hachure shading. This he does excellently, and I continue to be impressed by how much information is shown, and how clearly each layer is distinguished from the others when they are all, after all, exactly the same version of magenta.

It’s not only an attractive aesthetic choice, but one that ties into the map’s subject. In the 19th century cartographers were usually likewise limited to representing features using ink lines, printed from engraved copper plates. Listabarth still puts a modern spin on things with the sans serif typography and charming (whimsical?) illustrations. It’s a lovely blending of old and new.

Daniel P. Huffman, competition Curator

Congratulations on your impressive work, Jakob!

The research group’s contributions at ICC2019

This year’s 29th International Cartographic Conference (ICC) took place in Tokyo, Japan, with over 950 participants. The members of the Research Division Cartography and its affiliates also contributed their latest works by Scientific Presentations, Scientific Posters, Maps, and Atlases. With a Position Paper, the research group also participated in the pre-conference workshop in Beijing, China on “User Experience Design for Mobile Cartography: Setting the Agenda”. Read more to access all contributions.

Continue reading “The research group’s contributions at ICC2019”

Österreichische Beiträge bei der International Cartographic Exhibition in Tokio

Vom 15.–20. Juli 2019 fand in Tokio die 29. International Cartographic Conference (ICC) statt. In diesem Rahmen wurde auch wieder die International Cartographic Exhibition organisiert – eine Ausstellung für digitale und analoge Karten aus aller Welt. Dabei waren auch 17 Beiträge aus Österreich vertreten. Besonders erfreulich: Das Projekt Politics of Remembrance (POREM) erhielt den ersten Preis in der Kategorie Digital Product – wir gratulieren ganz herzlich!

Die österreichischen Beiträge in Tokio

Basierend auf dem Call for Maps wurden 17 österreichische Beiträge nach Tokio gesandt, darunter 12 Papierkarten, 3 digitale Kartenprodukte, ein Atlas und ein Produkt für den Unterricht (Educational Products).

Continue reading “Österreichische Beiträge bei der International Cartographic Exhibition in Tokio”