Silvia Klettner has successfully defended her dissertation titled “The Polysemy of Map Signs: An Exploration of the Connotative Meanings of Cartographic Point Symbols”.
Her supervisor was Prof. Gartner from our Research Unit Cartography; reviewers were Prof. Michael P. Peterson from the University of Nebraska Omaha, USA and Dr. Amy Griffin from the RMIT University in Australia.
Congratulations, Dr. Klettner, and all the best for your future!

Read more about Dr. Klettner`s research here.
This is very good news! Will you please pass on my congratulations to Silvia? Over the years I have tried to follow Silvia’s research progress from a distance and now I am very happy to see that this has led to a PhD. Relevant topic. I hope you will be able to continue working in this field in the years to come.