Great student projects from summer semester 2024

Despite the delay, we would like to showcase a selection of extraordinary student projects from our class Project Map Creation this summer semester.

360 Vienna Map Pavillion by Juliette Bricker ‒ Detailed project description on
A disconnected world by Kseniia Nifontova ‒ Detailed project description on
Redesign of 1856 Map of Warsaw and its Surroundings by Jakub Kaczorowski ‒ Detailed project description on
Tram in Saint Petersburg by Bella Mironova ‒ Detailed project description on
CycleSafe Berlin: mapping the traffic tragedy for safer cycling by Pia Wolffram ‒ Detailed project description on
I know places by Madeleine Noet ‒ Detailed project description on
Burning Man Navigator by Tatiana Pozdnyakova ‒ Detailed project description on
Vienna’s Historic Waterscapes by Joselyn Salinas ‒ Detailed project description on
Sleza – A glimpse of the uncharted ages by Marcel Mateusz Siedlich ‒ Detailed project description on

A huge thanks to all students for their hard work!

Results from earlier semesters can be found here:
2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015

Österreichische Beiträge bei der International Cartographic Exhibition in Florenz

Vom 14.–18. Dezember 2021 fand in Florenz, Italien, die 30. International Cartographic Conference (ICC) statt. In diesem Rahmen wurde auch wieder die International Cartographic Exhibition organisiert – eine Ausstellung für digitale und analoge Karten aus aller Welt. Die Ausstellung fand im Italienischen Militärgeographischen Institut statt und wurde am 13. Dezember eröffnet. Von den 410 Beiträgen aus 32 Ländern war auch Österreich mit 12 Beiträgen vertreten!

Die österreichischen Beiträge in Florenz

Basierend auf dem Call for Maps wurden von der ÖKK 12 Beiträge aus Österreich nominiert, darunter 7 Papierkarten, 3 Atlanten, ein digitales Kartenprodukt und ein digitaler Service.

Continue reading “Österreichische Beiträge bei der International Cartographic Exhibition in Florenz”

Great student projects from summer semester 2021

As in former semesters, we would like to showcase a selection of extraordinary student projects from this summer semester.

Project Map Creation

The following maps are results from the class Project Map Creation:

Kamran on Bike
Kamran on Bike by Hassam Ali (jpg, 3,3mb)

Transit Map of Vienna (Redesign of the official map)
Transit Map of Vienna (Redesign of the official map) by Iaroslav Boretskii (pdf, 3,5mb)

Iztaccihuatl - Popocatepetl Hiking Map
Iztaccihuatl – Popocatepetl Hiking Map by Jose Pablo Ceballos Cantu (jpg, 2,7mb)

Wertheim Castle
Wertheim Castle by Valerian Lange (pdf, 1,9mb)

The Alpine Network
The Alpine Network by Sangho Lee (jpg, 7,3mb)

Mapping SÁMI Languages
Mapping SÁMI Languages by Nele Peschel (jpg, 5,2mb)

Ecoturism in Tayrona National Natural Park
Ecoturism in Tayrona National Natural Park by Ana Oliva Pinilla Pachon (jpg, 2,8mb)

Hiking Sarek
Hiking Sarek by Vivien van Dongen (jpg, 4,4mb)

The World of Scientists
The World of Scientists by Hsiang-Yun Wu (png, 6,7mb)

A Glance at Taobao Villages in the Yangtze River Delta
E-commerce Revitalizes Rural China: A Glance at Taobao Villages in the Yangtze River Delta by Zhuo Yang (jpg, 3mb)

Kenan’s Climb: Honoring Kenan's Record Hike
Kenan’s Climb: Honoring Kenan’s Record Hike by Lydia Youngblood (jpg, 4,4mb)

A huge thank you to all students for their hard work in this busy summer semester. Enjoy the summer!

Results from earlier semesters can be found here:
2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | summer 2014 | winter 2014 | 2013 | 2012

Call for Maps: Einladung zur Einreichung von Beiträgen zur International Cartographic Exhibition

Vom 14.–18. Dezember 2021 findet in Florenz, Italien, die 30. International Cartographic Conference (ICC) statt. In diesem Rahmen wird auch wieder die International Cartographic Exhibition organisiert – eine Ausstellung für digitale und analoge Karten aus aller Welt.  Bis 26. Juli haben Sie die Möglichkeit, österreichische Beiträge für die Ausstellung zu nominieren! 

Warum teilnehmen?

  • Sichtbarkeit Ihres Produkts bei über 1.500 Kartographie- und GIS-ExpertInnen aus aller Welt bei der International Cartographic Conference (ICC 2021)
  • Listung im online verfügbaren Ausstellungskatalog
  • Chance, einen ICA Map Award zu gewinnen. ICA Map Awards eignen sich hervorragend als Marketinginstrument. Die ausgezeichneten Beiträge werden im Anschluss außerdem als Map of the Month auf der ICA-Website gefeatured und erreichen auf diese Weise eine hohe Sichtbarkeit.

Alle Infos zur Nominierung finden Sie unter

Ansprechpartnerin für die österreichischen Beiträge bei der ICC-Kartenausstellung ist Manuela Schmidt.

Great student projects from summer semester 2020

As in former semesters, we would like to showcase a selection of extraordinary student projects from this summer semester.

Project Map Creation

The following maps are results from the class Project Map Creation:

Zion National Park
Zion National Park by Anouska Jaspersen (jpg, 5.1mb)

An Urbanist's Guide to Copenhagen
An Urbanist’s Guide to Copenhagen (folder) by Ceren Dolma (animated gif, 2.7mb)

The World of Wolfhound
The World of Wolfhound by Milana Glebova (jpg, 2.5mb)

Where the Northern Lights Occur in Russia
Where the Northern Lights Occur in Russia by Nina Ioseliani (jpg, 3.9mb)

Project Possible - Journey of Nirmal “Nims” Purja in Mountaineering History
Project Possible – Journey of Nirmal “Nims” Purja in Mountaineering History by Shlesha Acharya (jpg, 3.4mb)

Shrinking Lake Chad
Shrinking Lake Chad (flipbook) by Stephanie Fovenyessy (animated gif, 4.5mb)

Multimedia-Cartography and Geocommunication

The following projects were created within the class Multimedia-Cartography and Geocommunication:

Novaya Zemlya. A carto-cast about Willem Barentsz – a navigator, cartographer and Arctic explorer by Jaspersen Anouska, Kurumbayeva Nargiz​, Acharya Shlesha, and Fovenyessy Stephanie:

Novaya Zemlya  

100 questions about cartography. A platform aiming at helping to develop an answer to the question “What is cartography?” by Ceren Dolma, Jesse Friend, Mariam Gambashidze​, and Jakob Listabarth​:

100 questions about cartography  

What is cartography? People’s perspectives in a word. ​A video by Estefania Ruiz Martinez, Sadhman Sadik, Md Imtiaz Uddin, and Julius Nyonyo​:

What is cartography? People's perspectives in a word.  

What is Cartography? An interactive animation. An interactive video by Festina Sadiku, Junru Lin, and Mengyao Gao​:

What is Cartography? An interactive animation.

A huge thank you to all students for their hard work in this busy summer semester. Enjoy the summer!

Results from earlier semesters can be found here:
2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | summer 2014 | winter 2014 | 2013 | 2012

Congratulations to Jakob Listabarth for winning at MONOCARTO 2019

We congratulate our student Jakob Listabarth for being a winner at the Monochrome Mapping Competition 2019 with his purely magenta map “The Lost Treasures of la Isla del Coco”, which he created within the class Project Map Creation this summer semester.

Isla del Coco by Jakob Listabarth
The full resolution file can be downloaded here.

From the jury statement:

When doing monochrome design, cartographers can only use one “ink” color, but most of us at least use various tints of that ink: basically, mixing it with the background color to create a continuous ramp of colors (e.g., greyscale) that we can use to distinguish rivers, contours, and other feature types from each other. Continuous monochrome is tough enough, but Jakob Listabarth takes the challenge even further and uses this map’s sole ink at 100% strength only. He is only able to distinguish feature types from each other using line weight, dot/dash patterns, and hachure shading. This he does excellently, and I continue to be impressed by how much information is shown, and how clearly each layer is distinguished from the others when they are all, after all, exactly the same version of magenta.

It’s not only an attractive aesthetic choice, but one that ties into the map’s subject. In the 19th century cartographers were usually likewise limited to representing features using ink lines, printed from engraved copper plates. Listabarth still puts a modern spin on things with the sans serif typography and charming (whimsical?) illustrations. It’s a lovely blending of old and new.

Daniel P. Huffman, competition Curator

Congratulations on your impressive work, Jakob!

Österreichische Beiträge bei der International Cartographic Exhibition in Tokio

Vom 15.–20. Juli 2019 fand in Tokio die 29. International Cartographic Conference (ICC) statt. In diesem Rahmen wurde auch wieder die International Cartographic Exhibition organisiert – eine Ausstellung für digitale und analoge Karten aus aller Welt. Dabei waren auch 17 Beiträge aus Österreich vertreten. Besonders erfreulich: Das Projekt Politics of Remembrance (POREM) erhielt den ersten Preis in der Kategorie Digital Product – wir gratulieren ganz herzlich!

Die österreichischen Beiträge in Tokio

Basierend auf dem Call for Maps wurden 17 österreichische Beiträge nach Tokio gesandt, darunter 12 Papierkarten, 3 digitale Kartenprodukte, ein Atlas und ein Produkt für den Unterricht (Educational Products).

Continue reading “Österreichische Beiträge bei der International Cartographic Exhibition in Tokio”

Great student maps from Project Map Creation, summer semester 2019

As in former semesters, we would like to showcase a selection of extraordinary student projects from this summer semester. The following maps are results from the class Project Map Creation.

La Isla del Coco by Jakob Listabarth
La Isla del Coco. A monochromatic exploration by Jakob Listabarth (png, 6.2mb)

SkiWelt Wilder Kaiser Brixental - Orientation and Navigation Map by Jenny Janssen
SkiWelt Wilder Kaiser Brixental. An orientation and navigation map by Jenny Janssen (jpg, 3.3mb)

Churches on Gotlandsleden by Verena Klasen
Around Medieval Churches on Gotlandsleden by Verena Klasen (jpg, 2.1mb)

Ocean Plastic. A relief light map by Nikita Slavin
Ocean Plastic. A relief light map by Nikita Slavin (jpg, 3.3mb)

The Polar Fanzine by Danai Maria Kontou
The Polar Fanzine by Danai Maria Kontou (jpg, 2.6mb)

The Return of the European Beaver by Jonas Beinder
The Return of the European Beaver by Jonas Beinder (jpg, 2.2mb)

Sagenhafte Wachau - Eine Karte zum Ausmalen und Entdecken by Sophie Haselsteiner
Sagenhafte Wachau. Eine Karte zum Ausmalen und Entdecken by Sophie Haselsteiner (jpg, 2.0mb)

Kazakh Khanate (1465-1847) by Bibigul Zhunis
Kazakh Khanate (1465–1847) by Bibigul Zhunis (jpg, 4.9mb)

A huge thank you to all students for their hard work in this busy summer semester. Enjoy the summer!

Results from earlier semesters can be found here:
2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | summer 2014 | winter 2014 | 2013 | 2012