Thanks to our students for your feedback!

Every semester students are given the opportunity to anonymously evaluate their classes. A big thanks to all our students who shared their feedback on our classes held in summer term 2017!

Student feedback for Cartographic Information Systems:

Very considerate lecturers according to problems in the exercise and questions in the lecture. Very useful topics!

Student feedback for Thematic Cartography in Regional Planning:

Für mich eine der besten und interessantesten übungen bisher. Die übungen waren gut beschrieben und verständlich. Die dafür aufgebrachte zeit war angemessen. Man hat einiges mitnehmen können, was für zukünftige kartengestaltungen/kartenerstellungen von nutzen sein wird. Eine der wenigen übungen auf die man sich gefreut hat.

Student feedback for Web Mapping:

Extremely satisfied.

Student feedback for Programming Cartographic Tasks (winner of TU’s Best Lecture Award 2017):

Gut aufgebaute Vorlesung mit den Unterlagen die immer auf dem aktuellen Stand online zur Verfügung standen. Die Bereitstellung des Codes der Beispiele aus der Vorlseung war ein guter Service und Impulsgeber für die Druchfürhung der Programmierbeispiele. Das optionale Angebot des JavaScript Kurs und die Motivation des Vortragenenden auf jede Frage sofort – auch außerhalb der Vorlesungszeit – mit der Antwort zu dienen ist sehr hervorzuheben.

Student feedback for Location Based Services:

The combination of lectures and project turned out to be a very good combination in and motivating for exploring the topic.

Student feedback for Applied Cartography:

Die ohnehin schon sehr spannenden Inhalte wurden sehr anschaulich und verständlich an die StudentInnen übermittelt. Zudem boten die Vorlesungseinheiten eine gute Vorbereitung für die zu absolvierenden Übungsaufgaben.

Another impressive student map: Khalid’s Way

We would like to present you another wonderful student project from this summer semester created within the class Thematic Cartography, a third semester bachelor class for Spatial Planning students. The map is called Khalid’s Way and was created by Jakob Listabarth. He describes his work in the following way:

This map tells the story of Khalid’s journey from Yemen to Austria. It shows merely one personal refugee-story out of the countless other ones, which we normally only hear about through statistics, in newspapers, or from television.


Jakob Listabarth studies Spatial Planning at the Technical University of Vienna. Before that, he studied Information Design where he focused, among other things, on how to present facts in a more user-friendly way by using shapes and colours. Jakob’s passion is using his knowledge from both disciplines in order to tell socially relevant stories in an engaging way.

Congratulations on your impressive work, Jakob!

Enjoy some of the lovely details in the following images or download the map as PDF (2MB).
Continue reading “Another impressive student map: Khalid’s Way”

Great student maps from Project Map Creation, summer semester 2017

As in former semesters, we would like to showcase a selection of extraordinary student projects from this summer semester. The following maps are results from the class Project Map Creation.

Africa - Official Languages and Ethnolinguistic Groups by Jessica Gosling-Goldsmith
Africa – Official Languages and Ethnolinguistic Groups by Jessica Gosling-Goldsmith (pdf, 1.6mb)

Sierra Madre Volcanic Chain Guatemala by Karen Byrne
Sierra Madre Volcanic Chain Guatemala by Karen Byrne

An illustrated overview of Aga Khan Park, Toronoto, Canada by Natasha Pirani
An illustrated overview of Aga Khan Park, Toronoto, Canada by Natasha Pirani

City of Vienna Attractions Map by Yunnan Chen
City of Vienna Attractions Map by Yunnan Chen

Roskilde Festival 2017 by Roar Gauslå Engell
Roskilde Festival 2017 by Roar Gauslå Engell

An der schönen blauen Donau by Maria Rühringer
An der schönen blauen Donau by Maria Rühringer

A huge thank you to all students for their hard work in this busy summer semester.
Enjoy the summer!

Results from earlier semesters can be found here:
2016 | 2015 | summer 2014 | winter 2014 | 2013 | 2012

Farewell to the sixth intake of the International Master in Cartography

The sixth intake of the International Master Programme in Cartography has finished the “Vienna Semester” and is now heading to TU Dresden for the third semester. We organized a farewell session to review the semester and to showcase results of their hard work in this semester. 

IMG_4574  IMG_4560  IMG_4564 IMG_4601  IMG_4596  IMG_4576  IMG_4614  IMG_4549  IMG_4613

We wish them all the best!

To find out more about the International Master in Cartography, please visit

TUW’s “Best Lecture Award 2017” goes to Florian Ledermann


This summer term, TUW awarded the „Best Teaching Awards“ for the first time to acknowledge teaching staff for outstanding committment in university teaching. Students and members of TUW nominated lecturers and lectures that were particularly outstanding.

We are very proud to announce our staff member Florian Ledermann as winner of the faculty’s “Best Lecture Award 2017”! His lecture “Webmapping” distinguished as outstanding by its students based on the knowledge the students received, the didactic set-up of the class, and the particularly convincing lecturer.

Florian Ledermann - Best Lecture Award Winner 2017

Congratulations Flo to this well-deserved acknowledgment!


Welcome to the 6th intake of the International Master in Cartography

We are happy to welcome 20 students of the International Master in Cartography at TU Vienna for the summer semester 2017. Students come from all over the world, including Albania, Austria, Canada, China, Colombia, Croatia, Denmark, Ethiopia, Georgia, Germany, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Romania, Russia, and the USA.


After finishing their first semester at TU München, the students are now with us for their second semester, before they move to TU Dresden. We wish them a fun and successful semester!

To find out more about the International Master in Cartography, please visit

Neu: genderATlas für die Schule

Im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Bildung (BMB) wurde 2016 eine Didaktisierung des genderATlas vorgenommen. Der daraus entstandene genderATlas für die Schule wurde letzte Woche per Bekanntgabeerlass an alle relevanten Schulen ausgesandt.

Screenshot aus dem neu entwickelten Beitrag VolksschullehrerIn – ein Frauenberuf?
Screenshot aus dem neu entwickelten Beitrag “VolksschullehrerIn – ein Frauenberuf?”. Der Beitrag enthält neben Kartendarstellungen auch ein Diagramm der historischen Entwicklung.

Ziel des genderATlas für die Schule ist es, Schüler/innen und Studierenden (Sek. I und v.a. Sek. II und PH) aktuelles und sehr anschauliches Informationsmaterial für eigenes forschendes Lernen zur Verfügung zu stellen. Der ATlas bietet insbesondere auch im Zusammenhang mit zu verfassenden wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten (z.B. der VWA in der AHS) ein sehr konkretes Instrument, da er vielfältige Rechercheimpulse, sowie Forschungsmethoden und -fragen bereit hält.

Den genauen Wortlaut des Bekanntgabeerlasses finden Sie hier.